About the Journal

The New Asian Journal of Medicine (N Asian J Med) is an online, open-access, international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research and reviews in all fields of medicine.  For now, the New Asian Journal of Medicine will publish all articles for free. This is intended to encourage researchers to submit articles to our newly launched journal. The  N Asian J Med  aims to be one of the leading medical journals in Asia. 

Instruction for Authors

The N Asian J Med has set specific word and reference limits for each type of article to ensure consistency and readability. Please adhere to the following guidelines when preparing your manuscript:

  1. Original Research:
    • Word Count: 3000-4500 words
    • References: Up to 40 references
    • Tables and Figures: Total not exceeding 10
  2. Narrative Review:
    • Word Count: 3500-5000 words
    • References: Up to 60 references
    • Tables and Figures: Total not exceeding 10
  3. Systematic Review:
    • Word Count: 4500-5000 words
    • References: Up to 60 references
    • Tables and Figures: Total not exceeding 10
  4. Editorial:
    • Word Count: 750-2500 words
    • References: Up to 10 references
    • Tables and Figures: Total not exceeding 3
  5. Clinical Trial:
    • Word Count: 3000-5000 words
    • References: Up to 50 references
    • Tables and Figures: Total not exceeding 10
    • Include trial registration numbers and ethical approval details.
  6. Perspective:
    • Word Count: 1000-3000 words
    • References: Up to 30 references
    • Tables and Figures: Total not exceeding 5
    • Provide insightful analysis or viewpoints on current trends or issues in the field.
  7. Opinion:
    • Word Count: 1000-2000 words
    • References: Up to 20 references
    • Tables and Figures: Total not exceeding 2
    • Focus on personal views or critiques related to current medical and health topics.
  8. Letters to the Editor:
    • Word Count: 500-1000 words
    • References: Up to 5 references
    • No tables or figures
    • Discuss recent articles published in the journal or important developments in the field.
  9. Commentary:
    • Word Count: 1000-2000 words
    • References: Up to 20 references
    • Tables and Figures: Total not exceeding 2
    • Address specific issues or themes, providing commentary that adds depth to the discussion.

For all submissions, please ensure that your manuscript includes a clear indication of the word count at the time of submission. This assists the editorial team in quickly assessing the suitability of your manuscript for the intended article type.

Please note that while these guidelines provide a clear framework for submissions, there may be instances where exceeding these limits is necessary. If during the peer review process, reviewers suggest that additional content is essential to enhance the clarity or comprehensiveness of the manuscript, we are open to accepting longer submissions. Authors should consider such feedback carefully and, if they agree with the reviewers' recommendations, may submit a revised manuscript that surpasses the stated limits. All such cases will be considered on their own merits, ensuring that the integrity and quality of the published research are maintained.

Preparing Your Paper

Authors submitting their work to the N Asian J Med, including those in medicine, biomedicine, health sciences, allied health, and public health, are expected to adhere to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (https://www.icmje.org/recommendations/).

Submission Checklist for the N Asian J Med

When preparing your manuscript for submission to the N Asian J Med, it is essential to follow this detailed organization to ensure a coherent presentation of your research:

  1. Title Page: Include the title of the paper, names and affiliations of all authors, and contact information for the corresponding author.
  2. Abstract: Submit a structured abstract summarizing the background, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of your study, typically not exceeding 300 words.
  3. Keywords: Provide 5 to 8 keywords to assist indexers and search engines in locating your paper using MeSH style (Keywords should not be duplicated terms with the title).
  4. Main Text: Organize the main body of your manuscript into the following sections:
    • Introduction: Present the background and objectives of your study.
    • Materials and Methods: Detail your experimental design, materials, and procedures to allow replication.
    • Results: Describe your findings clearly, supported by necessary tables, graphs, and figures.
    • Discussion: Discuss the significance of your results and compare them with existing literature.
    • Limitations: Acknowledge any factors that might influence the interpretation of your results.
    • Conclusion: Highlight the main findings and their implications and suggest areas for further research.
  5. Ethics Approval and Consent to Participate: Indicate if ethics approval was required for the study and if consent was obtained. If not applicable, state so.
  6. Availability of Data and Materials: Describe how the data supporting your findings can be accessed. If not applicable, state so.
  7. Competing Interests: Disclose any potential conflicts of interest or state that there are none.
  8. Funding: Acknowledge your sources of financial support or state if there was none.
  9. Authors' Contributions: Detail the contributions of each author to the study.
  10. Acknowledgments: If applicable, acknowledge non-author contributions.
  11. Declaration: Include any additional declarations not covered elsewhere.
  12. References: List all references cited in your manuscript in Vancouver style.
  13. Appendices (if necessary): Include any supplementary material relevant to the main text.
  14. Tables with Captions: Place each table on a separate page with a corresponding caption.

Figures and Figure Captions: Supply high-quality figures, each with a detailed caption listed separately at the end of the manuscript.

Principal Contact

Dr. Ismail Dergaa
Email: phd.dergaa@gmail.com


Prof. Helmi Ben Saad
Email: helmi.bensaad@rns.tn

Copyright and License Agreement

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

The workings of the Creative Commons: BY-NC License, as stated on the Creative Commons website, is defined as below:

"This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms."

The authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions.